Aires Floreale 750ml
10,90 €
Ready-to-use concentrated perfume & deodorant for rooms, fugs, carpets, surfaces and rooms with a floral scent, without propellant gas
Aires Freschezza Marina 750ml
10,90 €
Ready-to-use concentrated perfume & deodorant for rooms, fugs, carpets, surfaces and rooms with a fresh hint of fragnance, without propellant gas
Argonit Inox 750ml
17,69 €
Ready-to-use protective cleaner for all polished and/or brushed steel surfaces.
Efficace Mobili 750ml
12,00 €
Ready-to-use anti-dust protective polish for natural and painted wood with natural waxes and antistatic efficiency
Hand Gel 4lt Καθαριστικό Χεριών
31,00 €
Hand gel cleanser with 70% ethyl alcohol, contains glycerin and leaves no residue on the hands, in a large 4lt package to fill any dispenser
50,40 €
Πάστα καθαρισμού χεριών από μουτζούρες
7,10 €
Πάστα καθαρισμού χεριών από μουτζούρες
27,60 €
Πάστα καθαρισμού χεριών από μουτζούρες